# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = [
import difflib
import math
from typing import Any, Collection, Sequence
import google.protobuf.message
import onnx
from onnx import parser
import onnxscript
def assert_isomorphic(graph_or_function_1, graph_or_function_2):
"""Assert two graphs or functions are isomorphic."""
assert _isomorphic(
def assert_isomorphic_graph(graph1, graph2):
"""Assert two graphs are isomorphic."""
assert _isomorphic(_to_graph_proto(graph1), _to_graph_proto(graph2))
def assert_isomorphic_function(fn1, fn2):
"""Assert two functions are isomorphic."""
assert _isomorphic(_to_function_proto(fn1), _to_function_proto(fn2))
def _default_equality_op(x, y):
return x == y
def _same_optional(field, obj1, obj2, equals=_default_equality_op):
"""Check two proto object have same value for optional field.
This is restricted to simple field types where == comparison is sufficient.
if obj1.HasField(field):
return obj2.HasField(field) and equals(getattr(obj1, field), getattr(obj2, field))
return not obj2.HasField(field)
def _same_repeated(values1, values2, equals=_default_equality_op):
if len(values1) != len(values2):
return False
return all(equals(val1, val2) for val1, val2 in zip(values1, values2))
def _same_string_string_map(proto1, proto2):
"""Compare repeated StringStringEntryProto as maps."""
def to_map(proto):
return {x.key: x.value for x in proto}
return to_map(proto1) == to_map(proto2)
def _same_tensor(tp1, tp2):
if tp1.dims != tp2.dims:
return False
if not _same_optional("data_type", tp1, tp2):
return False
# Segmented representation not supported yet
if tp1.HasField("segment") or tp2.HasField("segment"):
return False
if tp1.float_data != tp2.float_data:
return False
if tp1.int32_data != tp2.int32_data:
return False
if tp1.string_data != tp2.string_data:
return False
if tp1.int64_data != tp2.int64_data:
return False
if tp1.uint64_data != tp2.uint64_data:
return False
if tp1.double_data != tp2.double_data:
return False
# Ignore name for comparison:
# if not _same_optional("name", tp1, tp2): return False
if not _same_optional("doc_string", tp1, tp2):
return False
if not _same_optional("data_location", tp1, tp2):
return False
if not _same_string_string_map(tp1.external_data, tp2.external_data):
return False
return True
def _same_dim(dim1, dim2):
return _same_optional("dim_value", dim1, dim2) and _same_optional("dim_param", dim1, dim2)
def _same_shape(shape1, shape2):
return _same_repeated(shape1.dim, shape2.dim, _same_dim)
def _same_tensor_type(tt1, tt2):
return (tt1.elem_type == tt2.elem_type) and _same_optional("shape", tt1, tt2, _same_shape)
def _same_type(tp1, tp2):
# Handles only tensor type at this point.
return _same_optional("tensor_type", tp1, tp2, _same_tensor_type)
def _same_value_info(vi1, vi2):
return (
_same_optional("name", vi1, vi2)
and _same_optional("type", vi1, vi2, _same_type)
and _same_optional("doc_string", vi1, vi2)
def _same_attr(attr1, attr2, graph_equality):
# no name check; names used to match attributes already.
for field in ["type", "ref_attr_name", "f", "i", "s"]:
if not _same_optional(field, attr1, attr2):
return False
if not _same_optional("t", attr1, attr2, _same_tensor):
return False
if not _same_repeated(attr1.tensors, attr2.tensors, _same_tensor):
return False
for field in ["floats", "ints", "strings"]:
if getattr(attr1, field) != getattr(attr2, field):
return False
if not _same_optional("g", attr1, attr2, graph_equality):
return False
if not _same_repeated(attr1.graphs, attr2.graphs, graph_equality):
return False
for field in ["sparse_tensor", "tp"]:
# TODO(gramalingam): check for more complex fields
if attr1.HasField(field) or attr2.HasField(field):
return False
return True
def _same_attrs(attrs1, attrs2, graph_equality):
if len(attrs1) != len(attrs2):
return False
attrs1map = {a.name: a for a in attrs1}
for attr2 in attrs2:
if attr2.name not in attrs1map:
return False
attr1 = attrs1map[attr2.name]
if not _same_attr(attr1, attr2, graph_equality):
return False
return True
def _ioname(x):
"""Return the name of an input/output of a function or graph"""
return x.name if isinstance(x, onnx.ValueInfoProto) else x
class _Matcher:
"""An isomorphism matcher for two functions or two graphs."""
def __init__(self, fg1, fg2, outer_scope) -> None:
def defmap(f):
"""Compute a map from variables v to their definition-sites.
A definition-site (n, i) indicates the i-th output of n-th node
The special value (-1, i) is used to indicate the i-th input of a function/graph.
result = {}
for i, x in enumerate(f.input):
result[_ioname(x)] = (-1, i)
for ni, n in enumerate(f.node):
for xi, x in enumerate(n.output):
result[x] = (ni, xi)
return result
self.defmap1 = defmap(fg1)
self.defmap2 = defmap(fg2)
self.fg1 = fg1
self.fg2 = fg2
self.node_mapping: dict[onnx.NodeProto, onnx.NodeProto] = {}
self.outer_scope = outer_scope
def same_value(self, var1, var2):
"""Match two variables (strings)."""
if var1 == "":
return var2 == ""
if var2 == "":
return False
if var1 not in self.defmap1 or var2 not in self.defmap2:
# If one of the variables is in current scope, or if there is no outer scope, fail
if (var1 in self.defmap1) or (var2 in self.defmap2) or (self.outer_scope is None):
return False
# Both variables are in outer-scopes. Delay check until later
return self.outer_scope.same_value(var1, var2)
(node1, index1) = self.defmap1[var1]
(node2, index2) = self.defmap2[var2]
return (index1 == index2) and self.same_node(node1, node2)
def same_node(self, n1, n2):
"""Match two node-indices. The special node-index -1 represents inputs."""
if (n1 == -1) and (n2 == -1):
return True # Both are inputs
if (n1 == -1) or (n2 == -1):
return False # Only one is input
if n1 in self.node_mapping:
return self.node_mapping[n1] == n2
node1 = self.fg1.node[n1]
node2 = self.fg2.node[n2]
if node1.op_type != node2.op_type:
return False
if node1.domain != node2.domain:
return False
# check attrs
if not _same_attrs(node1.attribute, node2.attribute, self.same_sub_graph):
return False
if not self.same_value_list(node1.input, node2.input):
return False
# Nodes represent same computation. Cache the comparison result.
self.node_mapping[n1] = n2
return True
def same_value_list(self, list1, list2):
"""Match two lists of variables (either a string or ValueInfoProto)"""
if len(list1) != len(list2):
return False
return all(self.same_value(_ioname(x), _ioname(y)) for x, y in zip(list1, list2))
def same_sub_graph(self, g1, g2):
"""Match two sub-graphs."""
sub_graph_matcher = _Matcher(g1, g2, self)
return sub_graph_matcher.same_graph()
def same_graph(self):
"""Match two sub-graphs."""
g1 = self.fg1
g2 = self.fg2
if not _same_repeated(g1.input, g2.input, _same_value_info):
return False
if g1.initializer or g2.initializer:
return False # TODO
if g1.sparse_initializer or g2.sparse_initializer:
return False # TODO
if not self.same_value_list(g1.output, g2.output):
return False
# TODO completeness tests!
return True
def same_function(self):
"""Match (top-level) two functions."""
# Ok for function names/domain to be different.
if len(self.fg1.input) != len(self.fg2.input):
return False
if set(self.fg1.attribute) != set(self.fg2.attribute):
return False
# Opset imports must be same (but possibly in different order):
# Convert opset-imports into a dictionary
def imports(f):
# Assumes each domain has only one entry in a valid FunctionProto
return {entry.domain: entry.version for entry in f.opset_import}
if imports(self.fg1) != imports(self.fg2):
return False
# Now do a specific form of isomorphism check: Both must compute the same
# set of operations, possibly in different order as long as they respect
# the topological-sort order requirement. The two may use different names
# for intermediate-values, as long as the computation is the same.
if len(self.fg1.node) != len(self.fg2.node):
return False
if not self.same_value_list(self.fg1.output, self.fg2.output):
return False
# We do not allow for unused values in the function, which are
# hard to handle in an isomorphism check.
if len(self.node_mapping) != len(self.fg1.node):
return False
if len(set(self.node_mapping.values())) != len(self.fg2.node):
return False
return True
def _isomorphic(fg1, fg2):
"""Checks that two function/graph bodies are isomorphic.
Assumes that the inputs are valid FunctionProto/GraphProto.
Use a separate check to verify that the inputs satisfy
FunctionProto/GraphProto requirements (like no duplicate attributes).
matcher = _Matcher(fg1, fg2, None)
if isinstance(fg1, onnx.FunctionProto):
if not isinstance(fg2, onnx.FunctionProto):
raise TypeError("Both inputs must be same type (function or graph)")
return matcher.same_function()
if isinstance(fg1, onnx.GraphProto):
if not isinstance(fg2, onnx.GraphProto):
raise TypeError("Both inputs must be same type (function or graph)")
return matcher.same_graph()
raise TypeError("Inputs must be either a FunctionProto or GraphProto")
def _to_function_proto(f):
if isinstance(f, onnx.FunctionProto):
return f
if isinstance(f, onnxscript.OnnxFunction):
return f.to_function_proto()
if isinstance(f, str):
return parser.parse_function(f)
raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert {type(f)} to FunctionProto")
def _to_graph_proto(g):
if isinstance(g, onnx.GraphProto):
return g
if isinstance(g, onnxscript.OnnxFunction):
return g.to_model_proto().graph
if isinstance(g, str):
return parser.parse_graph(g)
raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert {type(g)} to ModelProto")
def _to_function_or_graph(obj):
if isinstance(obj, onnx.FunctionProto):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, onnx.GraphProto):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, onnx.ModelProto):
return obj.graph
if isinstance(obj, onnxscript.OnnxFunction):
return obj.to_function_proto()
raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert {type(obj)} to FunctionProto or GraphProto")
def _opset_import_key(opset_import: onnx.OperatorSetIdProto) -> tuple[str, int]:
return (opset_import.domain, opset_import.version)
def _value_info_key(value_info: onnx.ValueInfoProto) -> str:
return value_info.name
def _function_key(function: onnx.FunctionProto) -> tuple[str, str, str]:
return (function.domain, function.name, getattr(function, "overload", ""))
def _find_duplicates(with_duplicates: Collection[Any]) -> list[Any]:
"""Return a list of duplicated elements in a collection."""
seen = set()
duplicates = []
for x in with_duplicates:
if x in seen:
return duplicates
def assert_onnx_proto_equal(
a: google.protobuf.message.Message | Any, b: google.protobuf.message.Message | Any
) -> None:
"""Assert that two ONNX protos are equal.
Equality is defined as having the same fields with the same values. When
a field takes the default value, it is considered equal to the field
not being set.
Sequential fields with name `opset_import`, `value_info`, and `functions` are
compared disregarding the order of their elements.
a: The first ONNX proto.
b: The second ONNX proto.
assert type(a) is type(b), f"Type not equal: {type(a)} != {type(b)}"
a_fields = {field.name: value for field, value in a.ListFields()}
b_fields = {field.name: value for field, value in b.ListFields()}
all_fields = sorted(set(a_fields.keys()) | set(b_fields.keys()))
for field in all_fields:
# Obtain the default value if the field is not set. This way we can compare the two fields.
a_value = getattr(a, field)
b_value = getattr(b, field)
if (
isinstance(a_value, Sequence)
and isinstance(b_value, Sequence)
and not isinstance(a_value, (str, bytes))
and not isinstance(b_value, (str, bytes))
# Check length first
a_keys: list[Any] = []
b_keys: list[Any] = []
if field == "opset_import":
a_value = sorted(a_value, key=_opset_import_key)
b_value = sorted(b_value, key=_opset_import_key)
a_keys = [_opset_import_key(opset_import) for opset_import in a_value]
b_keys = [_opset_import_key(opset_import) for opset_import in b_value]
elif field == "value_info":
a_value = sorted(a_value, key=_value_info_key)
b_value = sorted(b_value, key=_value_info_key)
a_keys = [_value_info_key(value_info) for value_info in a_value]
b_keys = [_value_info_key(value_info) for value_info in b_value]
elif field == "functions":
a_value = sorted(a_value, key=_function_key)
b_value = sorted(b_value, key=_function_key)
a_keys = [_function_key(functions) for functions in a_value]
b_keys = [_function_key(functions) for functions in b_value]
if a_keys != b_keys:
keys_only_in_a = set(a_keys) - set(b_keys)
keys_only_in_b = set(b_keys) - set(a_keys)
error_message = (
f"Field {field} not equal: keys_only_in_a={keys_only_in_a}, keys_only_in_b={keys_only_in_b}. "
f"Field type: {type(a_value)}. "
f"Duplicated a_keys: {_find_duplicates(a_keys)}, duplicated b_keys: {_find_duplicates(b_keys)}"
raise AssertionError(error_message)
if len(a_value) != len(b_value):
error_message = (
f"Field {field} not equal: len(a)={len(a_value)}, len(b)={len(b_value)} "
f"Field type: {type(a_value)}"
raise AssertionError(error_message)
# Check every element
for i in range(len(a_value)): # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
a_value_i = a_value[i]
b_value_i = b_value[i]
if isinstance(a_value_i, google.protobuf.message.Message) and isinstance(
b_value_i, google.protobuf.message.Message
assert_onnx_proto_equal(a_value_i, b_value_i)
except AssertionError as e:
error_message = f"Field {field} index {i} in sequence not equal. type(a_value_i): {type(a_value_i)}, type(b_value_i): {type(b_value_i)}, a_value_i: {a_value_i}, b_value_i: {b_value_i}"
raise AssertionError(error_message) from e
elif a_value_i != b_value_i:
if (
isinstance(a_value_i, float)
and isinstance(b_value_i, float)
and math.isnan(a_value_i)
and math.isnan(b_value_i)
# Consider NaNs equal
error_message = f"Field {field} index {i} in sequence not equal. type(a_value_i): {type(a_value_i)}, type(b_value_i): {type(b_value_i)}"
for line in difflib.ndiff(
str(a_value_i).splitlines(), str(b_value_i).splitlines()
error_message += "\n" + line
raise AssertionError(error_message)
elif isinstance(a_value, google.protobuf.message.Message) and isinstance(
b_value, google.protobuf.message.Message
assert_onnx_proto_equal(a_value, b_value)
elif a_value != b_value:
if (
isinstance(a_value, float)
and isinstance(b_value, float)
and math.isnan(a_value)
and math.isnan(b_value)
# Consider NaNs equal
error_message = f"Field {field} not equal. field_a: {a_value}, field_b: {b_value}"
raise AssertionError(error_message)